National Plant a Flower Day

There is no shortage of national days. It seems that instead of hallmark holidays we now have social media holidays. Anything for a new hashtag. There are a handful of these we can get behind. None more than National Plant a Flower Day, #PlantaFlowerDay

It is kind of what we do after all. The big day isn’t until Saturday so you have some time to plan. Get to the store, buy a plant or seed and get them in the ground. Intention certainly counts so even just buying some seed bombs for planting in a few weeks is a good way to spend National Plant a Flower Day.

Those of you that already have seed bombs we would love to see where you plant them. Just tag us on social media and use the hashtag, #throwandgrow.

working with Bee Public

In the March issue of the Indianapolis Monthly magazine Visualingual is featured as the month’s maker. We are excited to be sharing our company and the steps that go into our biggest selling product. It is on newsstands now so be sure to pick up a copy. Brandon is very excited about his first shot as a hand model.

One of rising stars are the Bee Seed bombs. Which is a fun fact because the author of our maker feature was Kate Franzman. In addition, to writing for Indianapolis Monthly, she is a beekeeper, farmer and the founder of Bee Public. Continue reading

Find your park

Coming up this August the National Parks will turn 100 years old. Parks like Yosemite were protected years ahead of the formation of the National Park Service. Yosemite was actually protected during the Civil War, but it wasn’t until 1916 that Stephen Mather was successful in getting the National Parks Service (NPS) created.

So this year we celebrate 100 years of service from the NPS. Of the 58 National Parks, we have been to a few parks as a family and Michael has knocked out even more on his own, his current count is around 15. Social media doesn’t quickly come to mind when you think of the parks, but NPS and the National Parks Foundation have found a way to merge the two with the #FindYourPark campaign. Continue reading

Engagement season

If you are recently engaged it is likely the big question got asked on Christmas Eve, New Years Eve, or Valentine’s Day. With those being the most popular days for proposals, it is no wonder jewelry stores call this engagement season.

So if you were lucky enough to be asked and said yes you are now on the hunt for ideas to create the perfect wedding. We have some ideas for you. We have more than a few Pinterest pages for you no matter what kind of wedding you want to have. Continue reading

family dinner traditions

family dinner traditions

From as early as we can remember we have been sitting down to a meal at roughly the same time every night as a family. When we lived with our parents and now when we visit the routine is the same. Dinner is on the table between 7-7:30, you eat what is served and you stay at the table until you have been excused, which is usually long after the food is gone.

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