
Step in Time along Hillside Treks: exploring Cincinnati, one hillside step at a time.

Spring in Our Steps: a community-led initiative to improve Cincinnati’s pedestrian infrastructure.

On the Riverfront in Cincinnati: Queen City eye candy.

A Plea for Beauty: A Manifesto for a New Urbanism: on urban planning, city centers and aesthetics.

When Kansas Invaded Oz: A Self-Professed ‘Enemy of the High Line’ Speaks Out: epic rant against the iconic NYC park.

Introducing Subpixel: improving the visual environment and enabling street art.

San Francisco Archipelago: absurd news from the year 2072.

2 thoughts on “Elsewhere

  1. Kansas invades Oz.
    Seems like the thrust of the message is if you aren’t gay you aren’t cool. I read the book “High Line” and it talked about the fine line the co-founders of the park Joshua David and Robert Hammond (who are gay) had to walk not to alienate the locals. Joshua almost quit a number of times when he started to realize what was going to happen to the area, I think this story may have been quoted in the book a few times. I almost feel for Chris Nutter except he’s a little dramatic and over the top.
    On a Cincinnati related note, it strikes me as strange that something along these lines is happening in OTR and I think many are going to be shocked and horrified by what happens over the next few years.

  2. It was an interesting rant, to be sure. I agree with some of what he wrote — enjoying the High Line is tough right now, but what’s the alternative? Building a less successful urban green space that attracts fewer people?

    I think there are and have been plenty of people concerned about all the changes in OTR, plus others who will be surprised in the near future. I’ve mostly stopped writing about it altogether, while newer residents take up the cause from their own points of view.

    There have been community engagement sessions, for instance, where people said what seemed to be far-fetched things, but which now seem to be coming true. A lot of people don’t use, or don’t feel comfortable using, the word “gentrification,” but there’s at least an intuitive understanding of the process and its implications.

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